Best Way To Cure Your Headache!

Do you wake up with headaches? Do you get pain that wraps up and above your eye? Is it hard to sit at your desk for an extended period without a headache?

Headaches that originate from the neck can be very annoying, distracting, and steal your joy in life as well significantly impact your overall quality of life!

Most headaches that are originating from the neck are misdiagnosed as migraines by Neurologists, do not respond to migraine medication, and have limitations in motion of the neck with skilled assessment!

The most effective treatment to cure your headache does not require drugs, surgery or injections!

It requires:

✅Skilled assessment of the head, neck and sometimes jaw

✅Targeted treatment to the offending joints, tissues, postural habits, weak musculature and decreased awareness of aggravating variables

✅Offending structures can include more prevalent areas like the upper cervical joints and tissues, mid neck joints and junctional joints between your lower neck and upper back! Surprisingly, these structures can be more-so involved due to weak neck structures most often in the front of the neck and sometimes the sides and back of neck.

🔑Effective treatment will target these areas, based on your assessment and get down to the root cause of your headache 🤕 to cure it!

A very powerful and effective tool we can use is: Electrical dry needling 🪡. We can specifically target the upper, mid and lower neck as well as upper back structures that have been found and assessed to reproduce your headache! Please see our recent IG post for this!

If you are tired of suffering and want and online consultation or in person one-to-one session, get in touch! We can help! We promise you will be surprised at the accuracy and effectiveness of the solution we create together!


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